Blog: Digital communication


Done any tricks today? About Email missunderstandings and half-truths (part 2)

When it comes to the delivery of standard e-mails, employees have little faith in the technology. How often is the phone grabbed simply to ask “has […]

Done any tricks today? About Email missunderstandings and half-truths (part 1)

In this series, which will be published at irregular intervals, we will take a closer look at the subject of “e-mails”, in particular which effects the […]

Prevent identity theft and data misuse

Cyber criminality and identity theft have now become one of the strongest growing forms of crime on the Internet. The hackers attack on the recently elected […]

Two words which may cost you a fortune: Data Breach

While eBay, JP Morgan Chase, Yahoo and many others suffered from attacks directly on their servers containing millions of personal data records, it also happens daily […]

Are you ready for GDPR?

The regulation was adopted on 27 April 2016. It enters into application 25 May 2018 after a two-year transition period. Important to know: UK’s Government has […]

Oscar Mix-up – Lessons Learned

When the 2017 Oscar for “Best Picture” was mistakenly awarded to “La La Land” in front of 33 million live viewers, you could practically feel the […]

“Who Said What When” is at the Center of Most Disputes

Most would agree that “who said what when” is at the center of most disputes. In today’s email-centric world, many turn to their “Sent Folder” or […]